Cea mai mare listă de filme psihologice pe care trebuie să le privești
1 — Filme despre formarea psihologiei, psihoterapiei și despre personaje importante din acest domeniu.
- Kinsey, 2004.
- When Nietzsche Wept, 2008.
- The Master, 2012.
- My Name Is Bill W, 1989.
- A Dangerous Method, 2011.
- Princess Marie, 2004.
- Soul Keeper, The, 2003.
- Freud, 1984.
- Freud, 1962.
2 — Filme în care poți vedea cum acționează psihologii și psihoterapeuții: tehnici, modele de comportament, exemple de acordare a ajutorului psihologic profesional sau neprofesional, greșelile psihologilor, descoperiri și realizări.
- Don Juan DeMarco, 1995.
- The Tree of Life
- Another Earth, 2011.
- Der grosse Bagarozy, 1999.2
- Kunsten å tenke negativt / The Art of Negative Thinking, 2006.
- In Treatmen, 2008-2010.
- Lilith, 1964.
- Ansikte mot ansikte, 1976.
- Necessary Roughness, 2011.
- Ordinary people, 1980.
- Sans queue ni tête, 2010.
- Fairly Legal, 2011.
- The Sunset Limited, 2010.
- Princess Marie, 2004.
- Scorpio Men on Prozac, 2010.
- Awakenings, 1990.
- One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nes, 1975.
- Shrink,2005.
- Ruby Sparks, 2012.
- Family Life, 1971.
- Sybil,2007.
- Good Will Hunting, 1997.
3 — Filme care îți permit să analizezi și să studiezi crizele psihologice ale oamenilor și cum ai putea să le acorzi ajutor.
- Antichrist, 2009.
- Akiresu to kame, 2008.
- Young Adult, 2012.
- Shine, 1997.
- Barfussя, 2005.
- Into the Wild, 2007.
- Vanilla Sky, 2001
- Bom yeoreum gaeul gyeoul, 2003.
- Harold and Maude, 1971.
- Vuosaari, 2012.
- Mr. Nobody, 2009.
- Wuthering Heights, 2009.
- Dirty Filthy Love, 2004.
- Days of Wine and Roses, 1962.
- Another Woman, 1988.
- If…. , 1968.
- Mean Creek, 2004.
- Life as a House, 2001.
- Pay It Forward, 2000.
- The War Zone, 1998.
- Dogme 2 – Idioterne, 1998.
- Instinct, 1999.
- Antwone Fisher, 2002.
- The King’s Speech, 2010.
- Ice Storm, The, 1997.
- Lilith, 1964.
- Ansikte mot ansikte, 1976.
- As Good as It Gets, 1997
- ilver Linings Playbook, 2012.
- Non ma fille, tu n’iras pas danser,2009.
- May, 2002.
- O Lucky Man! 1973.
- Ordinary People, 1980.
- Fantasy Island 1998 (1 sezon)
- The Ward, 2010.
- Boys Don’t Cry, 1999.
- The Prince Of Tides 1991.
- Winged Creatures, 2008.
- Mammuth, 2010.
- Perfect Sense, 2011.
- The Descendants, 2011.
- Scorpio Men on Prozac; 2010.
- Birdy 1984.
- The Five Senses, 1999.
- Breaking the Waves, 1996.
- Love Actually, 2003.
- Ruby Sparks, 2012.
- Bully, 2001.
- Family life, 1971.
- The Weather Man, 2005.
- The Soloist, 2009.
- Black Snake Moan, 2006.
- Shame, 2011.
- Stuart: A Life Backwards, 2007.
- Submarino, 2010.
- Albert Nobbs, 2011.
- You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger; , 2010.
- Good Will Hunting, 1997.
- Beautiful Boy, 2010.
- Chatroom, 2010.
- Rain Man, 1988.
- Shock Corridor, 1963.
- Scorchers, 1992.
- Ich will doch nur, daß ihr mich liebt, 1976.
3.1 — Crize existențiale, analiza valorilor morale în fața morții, suicidul
- Noruwei no mori, 2010.
- The Guita, 2008.
- Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door,, 1997.
- Martha Marcy May Marlene, 2011.
- The Bothersome Man / Brysomme mannen, 2006.
- My Life Without Me, 2003.
3.2 —Suferințele pierderii
- Another Earth, 2011.
- Noruwei no mori, 2010.
3.3 — Acceptarea sinelui și a destinului după o traumă care îți limitează posibilitățile. Probleme de adaptare socială.
- Die Zeit, die man Leben nennt, 2008.
- Intouchables, 2011.
- BenX, 2007.
- Inside I’m Dancing, 2004.
- Le Chiavi di casa, 2004
- Martha Marcy May Marlene, 2011.
- Mar adentro, 2004
- Le scaphandre et le papillon, 2007.
- Die Zeit, die man Leben nennt, 2008.
- I am Sam, 2001.
4.1 — Secte totalitare
- The Wicker, 2006.
- The Master, 2012.
- Martha Marcy May Marlene, 2011.
4.2 — Filme despre dezvoltarea personalității
- Everything must go, 2010.
- Hero, 1992.
- Dirty Filthy Love, 2004.
- Cast Away, 2000.
- Running with Scissors, 2006.
- Girl, Interrupted, 1999.
- The Accidental Tourist, 1988.
- London Boulevard (William Monahan), 2010.
- Temple Grandin , 2010.
- It’s Kind of a Funny Story, 2010.
5 — Filme care arată legile dezvoltării personalității, problemele de creștere, socializare, probleme ale educației.
- Fish Tank , 2009.
- Anita — ur en tonarsflickas dagbok, 1973.
- L’âge de raison, 2010.
- Lost and Delirium, 2001.
- After.Life, 2009.
- Hounddog, 2007.
- Klass, 2007.
- Moonrise Kingdom, 2012.
- Luan qing chun, 2008.
- Ansikte mot ansikte, 1976.
- The World According to Garp, 1982.
- My Little Princess, 2011.
- Apflickorna, 2011.
- Dead Poets Society, 1989.
- Taking Off 1971.
- How to Be, 2008.
- Polisse, 2011.
- Ghost World, 2001.
- LOL(Laughing Out Loud), 2008.
- Ruby Sparks, 2012.
- Stuart: A Life Backwards, 2007.
- Detachment, 2011.
5.1 — Filme despre problemele autoidentificării, dezvoltare psihosexuală
- Lost and Delirium, 2001.
- Naissance des pieuvres, 2007.
- El diario de Carlota, 2010.
- Eloïse, 2009.
- Tomboy, 2011.
5.2 — Violența asupra copiilor
- Mean Creek, 2004.
- Bully, 2001.
- Perras, 2011.
- Cyberbully, 2011
5.3 — Formarea comportamentului deviant
- Les Quatre Cent Coups, 1959.
6 — Filme care prezintă exemple ale psihopatologiilor, personajele cărora pot fi exemplare de studiu la cursul de patopsihologie sau psihoterapie
- Agnosia, 2010.
- Being There, 2006.
- The Sunset Limited, 2010.
- La fille sur le pont, 1999.
- The Snake Pit, 1948.
- On the Inside, 2011.
- Kotoko, 2011.
- Dédales, 2003.
- El Maquinista, 2004.
- Silver Linings Playbook, 2012.
- Running with Scissors, 2006.
- Ne te retourne pas, 2009.
- Front of the Class, 2008.
- Memento, 2000.
- De wisselwachter, 1986.
- Stuart: A Life Backwards, 2007.
- Equus, 1977.
6.1 — Agorafobie
- Public Domain (2003)
- Thomas est amoureux, 2000
- Frozen with fear (2000)
- Copycat(1995)
- Naked Fear (1999)
6.2 —Tulburări din spectrul autismului
- Adam (2009)
- Mozart and the Whale (2005)
- Ben X (2007)
- House of Cards (1993)
- Cube (1997)
- The Boy Who Could Fly (1986)
- My Name Is Khan (2010)
- Mercury Rising (1998)
- Snow Cake (2006)
- The Big Bang Theory (serial) (с 2007)
- Temple Grandin (2010)
- Rain Man (1988)
- The Black Balloon. (2008)
6.3 — Tulburarea bipolara (boala maniaco-depresivă)
- Mad Love (1995)
- The Informant! (2009)
- Michael Clayton (2007)
- Mr. Jones (1993)
- Pollock (2001)
- Sylvia (2003)
6.4 — Tulburare depresivă majoră
- An Angel at My Table (1990)
- Veronika Decides to Die (2009)
- The Virgin Suicides (1999)
- Interiors (1978)
- The Butcher Boy (1997)
- Prozac Nation (2001)
- Ordinary People (1980)
- The Assassination of Richard Nixon (2004)
- De Gales hus, 2008.
- The Hours (2002)
6.5 — Tulburări disociative
- San taam (2007)
- Numb (2007)
- Hipnos (2004)
- Shattered Image (1998)
- Passion of Mind (2000)
- Dorothy Mills (2008)
- Hide and Seek, 2005.
- Identity (2003)
- El Maquinista (2004)
- The Uninvited (2009)
- Never Talk to Strangers (1995)
- The Jacket (2005)
- Peacock (2010)
- Psycho (1960)
- Angel Heart (1987)
- Sybil (1976)
- Secret Window (2004)
- Dark Floors (2008)
- Thr3e (2007)
- The Three Faces of Eve (1957)
- The Hurricane (1999)
- Frankie & Alice (2010)
- Color of Night (1994)
- Me, Myself & Irene (2000)
6.6 —Tulburări obsesiv-compulsive
- Glee (2009)
- What about Bob? (1991)
- The Aviator (2004)
- Matchstick Men (2003)
- Dirty Filthy Love (2004)
- As Good as It Gets, 1997
- Cat People (1942)
- K-PAX (2001)
- Geheimnisse einer Seele (1926)
- Phoebe in Wonderland (2009)
6.7 — Amnezie retrogradă
- The Snake Pit (1948)
- Mulholland Drive (2001)
- The Number 23 (2007)
6.8 — Шизофрения
- Revolution 9 (2001)
- Englar alheimsins, 2000.
- The Madness of King George (1994)
- Benny & Joon (1993)
- Keane (2004)
- Donnie Darko (2001)
- Sucker Punch (2011)
- Igby Goes Down (2002)
- Hide and Seek, 2004.
- A Beautiful Mind, 2001.
- The Perfect Host (2010)
- The Fisher King (1991)
- Mr. Brooks (2007)
- May (2002)
- Images (1972)
- Julien Donkey-Boy (1999)
- Shutter Island (2010)
- Spider (2002)
- Geomi sup (2004)
- K-PAX (2001)
- Jeanne d’Arc (1999)
- Though a glass darkly (1961)
- The Soloist (2008)
- Die Summe meiner einzelnen Teile, 2011.
- Conspiracy Theory (1997)
- Black Swan, 2010.
- Clean, Shaven (1995)
6.9 —Tulburări delirante și alte tulburări psihotice
- Babycall, 2011.
- Inside, 2002
- Hypnotisören, 2012.
- The King of Comedy (1982)
- Lars and the Real Girl (2007)
- Obsessed (2009)
- Repulsion (1965)
- Fatal Attraction (1987)
6.10 — Tulburări de anxietate
- Ordinary People (1980)
6.11 — Dependență, codependență
- 28 Days, 2000.
- Clean and Sober, 1988.
- The Basketball Diaries, 1995.
- Days of Wine and Roses, 1962.
- When Love Is Not Enough: The Lois Wilson Story, 2010.
- When a Man Loves a Woman, 1994.
- Trainspotting, 1996.
- Junkhearts, 2011.
- For Colored Girls, 2010
- Leaving Las Vegas, 1995.
- Ray, 2004.
- Shadow Hours, 2000.
- Flight, 2012.
6.12 — Pasiune dureroasă sau atunci când dragostea devine o problemă
- Electroshock, 2006.
7 — Filmele care ilustrează tiparele sociale și psihologice
- Nineteen Eighty-Four, 1984.
- Gattaca, 1997.
- Dogville, 2003
- Mean Creek, 2004.
- Cube, 1997 .
- Cube 2: Hypercube, 2002.
- Cube Zero, 2004.
- Mon oncle d’Amerique, 1980.
- Branded, 2012
- Somebody Is Waiting, 1996.
- Lie to Me, 2009 (serial)
- The Ward, 2010.
- Lord Of The Flies, 1963.
- Lord Of The Flies, 1990.
- Carnage, 2011.
- Rachel Getting Married, 2008.
- Bully, 2001.
- Family Life, 1971.
- The Weather Man, 2005.
- City Island, 2009.
- Passion in the Desert, 1997.
- Stupeur et tremblements, 2003.
- Catch-22, 1970.
- Experiment, Das, 2001.
- Compliance, 2012.
- Die Welle, 2008.
7.1 — Filme distopie
- Nineteen Eighty-Four, 1984
- Brazil, 1985.
- ТНХ-1138, 1971.
- Harrison Bergeron, 1995.
- Gattaca, 1997.
- Brave New World, 1998.
- Metropija, 2009.
- Schizopolis, 1996.
8 — Filme polițiste în care terapeutul / psihiatru (criminalul, vampir, etc…) este în căutarea infractorului sau făptuitorul este bolnav mintal
- Hypnotisören, 2012.
- Hide and Seek, 2004.
- Faces in the Crowd, 2011.
- The Silence of the Lambs, 1990.
- Final Analysis, 1992.
- Basic Instinct, 1992.
- Shutter Island, 2010.
- The Jacket, 2005.
- Doctor Sleep, 2002.
- Shelter, 2008.
- Color of Night, 1994.
- The Sixth Sense, 1999.
- Shock Corridor, 1963.
- Equus, 1977.
9 — Comedii în care există umor, satiră, ironie, sarcasm pe tema psihoterapiei, psihoterapeuți și tulburări psihice
- The Shrink Is In, 2001.
- What About Bob?, 1991.
- Analyze That, 2002.
- Analyze This, 1999.
- Hysteria, 2010.
- I Heart Huckabees, 2004.
- Le père Noël est une ordure, 1982.
- La chance de ma vie, 2010.
- K-PAX, 2001.
- L’ Antidote, 2005.
- Mortel transfert, 2000.
- The Couch Trip, 1987.
- The Don’s Analyst, 1997.
- Psy, 1981.
- Scenes from a Mall, 1991.
- Anger Management (serial), 2012.
- Anger Management, 2003.
10 — Filme științifice despre psihologie și comportamentul uman
- The Human Behaviour Experiments, 2006.
- Obedience, 1965.
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